In accordance with new state regulations, face coverings are now mandatory for everyone at all times indoor and outdoors of the facility. The new state mandate requires face coverings be worn indoors and outdoors at all times, even when social distancing can be achieved. Face coverings are not required when actively playing.
- Spectators are prohibited for all regular rentals, league play and practices. For per field capacity please contact facility for local updates.
- Everyone MUST adhere to six-foot physical distancing while inside the facility.
- Everyone entering building MUST conduct daily Health Check online form the day of before entering, anyone experiencing symptoms MUST stay home.
- Waivers must be filled out for every participant online click here.
- Face coverings must be worn at all times unless actively participating. This Includes coaching, scorekeeping, sitting on the bench, entering/exiting facility, using the restroom, etc.
- No one should congregate or gather in common areas or parking lots before or after events, games or practices.
- Concession and restrooms will be open but then return to your car or outside areas.
- The organizer must maintain a complete list of coaches, players and employees present at each event. The list should include the date, beginning and ending time of the event, and contact information (address and phone number) for each coach, player and employee to be made available upon request from the local health district.
- Cleaning times after scheduled groups.
- Water fountains will not be in use.
- Hand sanitizer units installed in high use, point of contact locations.
- Sneeze guards installed at all necessary and appropriate staff locations.
- All CSP Staff are required to self-monitor and report on their health status daily. Staff are prohibited from working if they show any symptoms of the COVID-19.
- All CSP Staff including scorekeepers are required to wear a face covering on their person at all times, and to wear the covering when working with guests or staff.
- All CSP Officials must wear a face covering upon entry of facility and at all times when not actively working a contest.
- CSP Sports Lineups/Scoresheet - only the soccer, futsal volleyball official or basketball scorekeeper should handle the scoresheet. Lineups should be verbalized to the official/scorekeeper and recorded by official/scorekeeper on the scoresheet.
- Officials/scorekeepers will be provided a designated area at facilities to ensure six feet in social distancing between fellow officials, scorekeepers and staff can be maintained safely.
- Regular rentals begin on Monday, September 21.
- Customers must call into office (301-794-7680) between 8 a.m.–3 p.m., Monday–Friday to make a rental.
- Customers must complete an online waiver form prior to calling in for a reservation. (Waiver form can be found here. Only the permit holder must complete the form.)
- May only reserve up to seven days in advance unless approved by facility manager.
- Customers must notify staff members, prior to booking over the phone, if they wish to use a credit on file (if applicable).
- One hour or Two hour rental blocks begin at 12 p.m. and run through 1:00 a.m :
- The 15-minute break between rentals to allow teams to exit the facilities prior to new teams arriving and for proper sanitizing for shared spaces and high-touch surfaces.
- Groups may only rent one timeslot but may do two courts within the same time block, side by side if desired. Adjacent courts must be open and available.
- Groups may arrive at the facility 10 minutes before the scheduled start time. May not enter the building before this time.
- Groups must vacate the building immediately following permit end time or games.
- Groups that do show up when allotted time is schedule or cancellation without 48 Hours will get charged additional $100. Unless agreed upon differently in contract.
- Additional time allotted between game times to allow teams to exit the facilities prior to new teams arriving and for proper sanitizing for shared spaces and high-touch surfaces.
- All teams for game must exit through the field.
- Players can arrive no more than 10 minutes prior to scheduled game time.
- No congregating before or after games is permitted.
- Players must leave immediately following the completion of their game.
- Teams limited to one non-playing coach. 12 Player max roster per team.
- Players not playing and on the sideline must wear a mask until going into the game.
- All players in attendance must be on the roster and dressed in proper game attire.